Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hello Blogging Buddies,

In my last blog, I wrote about how we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our everyday lives and the commonality of artificial intelligence in the workplace.  There are some really good things happening with artificial intelligence in so many areas. AI is working in ways that help humans work smarter not harder.  It is saving lives, keeping us safe, doing things in a fraction of the time it takes humans to do.  But as humans, we know that there are two sides to every story.  So is artificial intelligence the end all be all? We hear so much about the pros of artificial intelligence how about the cons?

This is a good video that discusses whether Artificial Intelligence really beneficial in today's world or if it is really too good to be true.

First, let us take a look at the different types of Artificial Intelligence that are either being used or on the horizon:
  • Narrow also called Machine Learning- In this type of Artificial Intelligence machines/computers are taught to do tasks by humans.  Most current Artificial Intelligence falls into this category.  
  • General also called Deep Learning- In this type of Artificial Intelligence machines/computers teach themselves, humans are no longer needed to teach them what to do or how to do it.  
  • Cloud -This is an Internet of Things for the robots, computers, and machines, this would be where things learned by robots can be shared with other robots.
Keeping this in mind it is fair to say that as Artificial Intelligence evolves and moves through time, the pros and cons will also evolve.  As things stand now here is a look at some of the general cons as we are in the Machine Learning phase.  If you would like to read a full article on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence click on the link.  The disadvantages are summarized below: 
  1. Cost- We all know that with any kind of technology there too is a cost associated and most times technology does not come cheap.  Repair and maintenance of machines and computers can be costly and software programs need updates to keep up with the times.  
  2. Human replication or not?- Should human intelligence be replicated?  Machines do not have moral values or emotions, they cannot decide between right and wrong.  Let's consider the medical field for instance.  AI is reliant on logic and in code things are cut and dry.  In a life-threatening situation while a computer may make the decision that nothing else can be done for a patient based on the facts, the logistics, while a human doctor may see hope or a chance that a patient can live and keep trying lifesaving techniques.  
  3. Artificial Intelligence doesn't necessarily improve with experience- Humans learn from experiences, things can shift our paradigm that will alter the way we react or handle the same situation when presented to us a second, third or several times.  
  4. Lacking in original creativity- Creativity and imagination are not fortes of computers, machines, and robots.  Humans can adapt to things they see, hear, feel. 
  5. Unemployment- Next to cost, unemployment is usually one of the most prevalent cons with regards to AI.  It seems so many jobs have already been taken over by some sort of machine or computer.  As AI develops and becomes even more sophisticated will humans even be needed in the workplace?  One certainly does wonder. 
Click on this video to find out about 15 jobs that will disappear within 20 years due to Artificial Intelligence.  

While these concerns are definitely valid concerns with Artificial Intelligence in general how about those specific to the field of Education?  In the article Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Education author, Deeksha Raj points out several cons of AI in Education.  You can read the full article here Pros and Cons of AI in Ed.  Let's take a look at those:
  1. Initial Cost and Installation-While there are numerous benefits to using AI in Education the cost of installing, maintaining and repair AI can be astronomical especially to the majority of educational institutions.  
  2. Addiction- Technology definitely makes our lives easier and we use it constantly.  Technology is addicting for users of all ages and school-aged children are not immune.  Students in today's schools are digital natives, they have grown up literally with technology in their hands.  
  3. Emotionless Connections-While machines can easily handle the intellectual part of education they cannot substitute for personal interaction.  
  4. Unemployment- Could AI in Education really replace human teachers?  Possibly, but at any rate, it could probably cut down on the need for as many teachers.  
  5. Decision making- Computers are definitely capable of teaching content but what about all of those situations that come up in the classroom on a daily basis that need a quick decision? The ones that are not necessarily part of the lesson plan most definitely require a teachable moment.  It's not likely that a machine can handle those situations. 
In the article, "15 Pros and 6 Cons of Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom" by LiveTiles they state that "The aim of artificial intelligence in the classroom shouldn't be to replace educators. It should make their jobs easier." Read the full article here 15 Pros and 6 Cons of AI. I think most educators welcome technology, even embrace it in the classroom.  Many cannot imagine teaching without it but even if it is a deep seeded fear in the back of their mind, they can see that it would be extremely unlikely for it to completely eradicate a human teacher in the classroom.  

I don't believe that anytime soon you will see educators handing their classrooms over to robots, partnering with them possibly, but not a handoff. With the surge in Artificial Intelligence in all areas of human life, there may come a day when we have developed technology so much that turning off the machine is no longer an option.  

  • Artificial Intelligence: A Devil In Disguise? | Whack & Epified. (2015, August 17). Retrieved February 24, 2018, from
  • Nogrady, B. (2016, November 10). Future - The real risks of artificial intelligence. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from
  • Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence. (2015, April 23). Retrieved February 24, 2018, from
  • Raj, D. (2017, September 13). Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from
  • Reddy, K. (2018, January 05). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from
  • Tiles, L. (2018, January 31). 15 Pros and 5 Cons of Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from
  • Freeman, A., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., and Hall Giesinger, C. (2017). NMC/CoSN Horizon Report: 2017 K-12 Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.


  1. Cami,
    I enjoyed your blog and definitely brought to light some pretty crazy ideas for the future, especially the video highlighting all the jobs that will not exist in the next 20 years. I absolutely agree that teachers cannot be completely replaced by machines and computers. There are so many other aspects of our job such as being a nurse on the playground, a psychologist when students are in an argument, or a listening ear about home life problems and concerns. Being partners with artificial intelligence is definitely realistic. I believe we do have some time before all of these changes completely takeover due to financial inequities in education.

    1. I agree with you Stacy, I don't think classrooms will solely be run by robots anytime soon. Not only can the robot not handle being the nurse or the psychologist or the shoulder to learn on but what about communicating with parents? I can't imagine a parent getting their questions answered or problems solved by a robot. With that being said I think that there will be many other jobs, lost to AI, however AI does have the possibility of creating new jobs itself in the technology field.

  2. Great blog, Cami- I especially liked that you included the different categories of AI: narrow, general and cloud. Very educational post!

    1. Thanks Kristen, AI is very interesting, although overwhelming. It is amazing how much we already use it in our everyday lives and after learning more about it the possibilities for what can be done with it are endless.

  3. Hi Cami! It’s amazing how much we rely on our devices. My brother-in-law is a part of an autonomous vehicle project in San Antonio and his project blows me away. This is a clip of a news broadcast showing the test rig. .I think we will see these autonomous tractor trailers on the highways within our lifetime. We already have cars that brake when they sense an obstacle and have parking assist. Although our devices seem to have taken over many tasks and make life easier, but I can’t imagine them taking over as teachers. I don’t think the many “soft skills” used within our classrooms will be easy to replicate.

    1. Sandy-when you stop and think what artificial intelligence can do in all areas, including education it really is mind blowing. AI, like all other things involving technology is constantly changing, so just when you think you have a handle on it, everything changes. I agree with you, I can't imagine devices ultimately taking over for human teachers.

  4. I didn't realize all the different types of AI! The videos were awesome to watch and kind of scary to think that we could potentially be replaced in the future. I agree with you thought that they might not always make on the spot decisions that don't fit into the exact teaching moment. Students might be able to learn from AI, but they will connect more with the human connection that has empathy and caring qualities.

    1. Hi Jess, I must admit I didn't know much about AI prior to researching this topic but once I did I really found it interesting and learned so much more about it and how much it has already permeated our everyday lives. I feel as time goes on and technology develops those different types will grow in ways that we can't even imagine right now. I agree that while AI is capable of teaching content, humans are necessary for teaching life lessons, morals, decision making, and emotions.

  5. I really enjoyed watching the video about the 15 jobs that could disappear in the next 10-20 years. I really haven't thought much about AI honestly and really haven't thought that I could be replaced by a robot. But as I read your blog I began to think about how we rely on computer programs with Analytics Technologies in them and those choose what our students learn based on prior performance. So why not put a robot in front of the room to teach the children those concepts. And you're right - it's those in the minute decisions that we have to react to. Sure a robot may be able to change the course of the content in a milisecond if the children are plowing through the topic but they won't be able to react to the emotional aspect of what goes on in the classroom including those behavior issues. I think the AI taking over those jobs is scary. Honestly I don't want a robot to serve me my food or make me my drink - I like the human interaction and I hope our children and thier children will be able to have those human interactions like we do.

    1. Hello! I was exactly like you when I first started researching AI, I couldn't believe how pervasive it has become and in so many aspects of our lives, personal, interpersonal, professional, communicatively, really just everything. I definitely think that there is a need for AI in some many areas but I am like you I hope that it doesn't completely take over. I think that those interpersonal relationships and human contact are completely necessary for the human race.
